Astrology/Chart Readings

from $45.00

Do you ever wish there was a road map for your life?

There is -- it’s your birth chart. Now, what’s in your chart doesn’t mean you are destined to suffer certain character traits (ie. all sun-sign Scorpios are liars and cheaters and all Virgos are overly-organized, Libras are indecisive) or that you are for sure going to be rich or destitute, happily married or bitterly divorced, delight in a career or desperate to escape a job based on certain placements. The chart gives us clues on what you are meant to learn in this lifetime.

In the basic natal chart reading, we’ll look at the placements of your planets and signs in your chart and what your soul came to accomplish. It is so much more than just what are the stereotypes associated with your sun sign/newspaper astrology (although that can be fun, too).

The goal of the reading is to open your eyes to where you might have certain challenges and re-think the ways that you engage in your life. You do have free will.

The advanced chart reading digs into how the energies interact and what the exact degrees mean.

For an accurate birth chart, you will need the date and EXACT time and location of your birth. 

Before you stress over calling your mom, please know your birth time is very likely listed on your birth certificate.

Birth Chart Readings:
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Basic natal chart reading -- $45 (planets, houses, signs)

Advanced natal chart reading -- $85 (includes aspects, degrees, and decans)

Can you read my kids’ chart? 

Of course -- we can identify what is spelled out in the chart. Again, this does not mean your baby is absolutely destined for bad things if there is a harsh aspect or positively perfect (although I’m sure they are) if there is a positive aspect.

The chart suggests certain personalities, struggles or successes in the realms of love, career, finance, and general disposition. But free will always exists. A chart suggests the lessons we have come to this lifetime to learn.