Terms & Conditions

The shamanic healing and hypnotherapy techniques utilized are imposed to encourage overall wellness and should not replace any mode of existing or suggested traditional medical treatment you may have been prescribed. Shamanic healing is considered as "Spiritual Healing" and is not medical treatment. This is a mystical application, and no remedies are prescribed. No guarantees of healing or wellness are made. This is not psychotherapy. Psychotherapy will be recommended for mental disorders or situations where intentions to harm oneself or others are present. If intentions to harm oneself or others are communicated, the appropriate authorities may be notified.


During your session, I may drum or use my rattle. I work with Healing Spirits to bring their Healing Power into you. Palo Santo smoke and/or Florida Water may be used. I might touch you with stones or other healing objects. You will always remain clothed. (I will ask you to remove your shoes). All things used bring good healing medicine to you. ("healing medicine" is a Native American term meaning spiritual or mystical medicine).


Participation from you is encouraged for ultimate success such as reviewing lifestyle changes, meditation, spending time in nature, using affirmations, working with symbolic spiritual objects at home, or other suggestions brought about during your healing session. The results you experience depend on your participation and motivation to make the life changes you desire and are not guaranteed as a result of your healing session(s).

It takes time to integrate the experience of shamanic healing, so be kind to yourself and allow the benefits to unfold. Not all results are instantaneous.